Orion.gif (7630 bytes)Welcome to Orion Enterprises


Video and Television Production Services


System Design and Integration


Network Administration and Computer Services


Member Pages

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Industry links

Blair's Page

Personal Links


Orion Enterprises has been serving the professional audio, video, multimedia, and television production industry in San Diego and Southern California since 1966.  Come on in and look around at our history and credits, learn what we do and how we serve our clients.  Whatever your audio, video, television, or multimedia needs, talk to us.   Please note that we are carefully positioning ourselves to take advantage of the convergence of film, video, sound, multimedia, and the Internet.  Our independent contracting members offer us many unique talents and skills.

Here are the major client service areas Orion Enterprises is experienced  in providing for clients.  Follow the links to view client and project lists.

Berrera.jpg (25639 bytes) Video and Television Production Services
From location scouting or production management to providing the best crews and equipment in studio or on location, we service your needs.
Consult1.jpg (10608 bytes) Consulting
Need solid advice?  We are on your side when you need help understanding the technology or just how things need to be done.
System.gif (1078 bytes) System Design and Integration
Audio, video, data, television systems designed to your specifications and needs.   Full support for needs assesments, functionality, budgets and scheduling, project management, partial or turnkey installation, to signoff.
Gumby.gif (6849 bytes) Training
Expert and experienced training for individuals, small and large groups.   Curriculum designed around your needs.  No hot air, just the facts so you can use them.
Cnaco3.jpg (5253 bytes) Network Administration and Computer Services
Certified NetWare Administrator and Microsoft Certified Professional, Windows NT 4.0 Workstation available as needed.  Experienced in data-voice-video interfacing and non-linear video edit systems.
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Contact Information

For immediate service, please call anytime.  Email is checked at least once per day.

619 443 7593
619 443 0991
Postal address
8625 Langholm Road, El Cajon, CA 92021
619 443 7593
619 443 0991
Postal address
8625 Langholm Road, El Cajon, CA 92021
Electronic mail
General Information: orionenterprises@hotmail.com
Customer Support: sknepher@juno.com
Sales: sknepher@juno.com
Webmaster: bknepher@hotmail.com