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Video and Television Production Services


System Design and Integration


Network Administration and Computer Services


Member Pages

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Blair's Page

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We are very experienced in designing systems to support audio, video, television, and multimedia production.

Key Benefits

  • More than 100 studios, trucks, suites, and systems designed
  • Balanced understanding of technology and artistic needs

A Partial System List

Television Systems Design

Clients and Projects

Bill Black And Associates

Design and construction of RENG mobile unit for NBC News

Children's' Hospital, San Diego

Mobile Unit design and construction and contract engineering consultant

G & G Designs

Contract design of local origination cable television studio facilities for Times-Mirror Cable

High Seas Television Systems

Consulting Engineer Design and installation of shipboard TV systems

Quantix Video

Bench Technician, all types of broadcast, industrial, and consumer television equipment-Design engineering, equipment modifications, custom system design consulting engineer

Televideo San Diego

Studio systems design consultant Electronic Field Production systems design consultant Surveillance systems design engineer Editing/post-production systems design Sea World, San Diego Penguin Encounter video systems design

Video Equipment Corporation of America

Audio-Visual systems engineering & installation

Digital Talk TV

Video systems design and construction, technical unit coordinator, Digital Talk TV live specials.


[Video and Television Production Services][Consulting][System Design and Integration][Training]

[Network Administration and Computer Services]

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