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Video and Television Production Services


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Blair Knepher, our Network Administrator can be at your service.

Key Benefits

  • Certified NetWare Administrator
  • Microsoft Certified Professional
  • Experienced in WFW 3.11, Win 95 and NT 4.0
  • Understands Intel-based PCs, Macintosh and Amiga
  • Understands video transport and multimedia integration
  • Trained and experienced in interactive video programing


Blair Knepher is experienced in specifying, installing, troubleshooting and maintaining computer and computerized systems. He was personally responsible for designing and maintaining a classroom LAN-based system to provide cross-platform data distribution of curriculum materials, classroom related scheduling, messaging, and assignments in a fully implemented network system at a high school.  He has installed and provided training on non-linear editing systems.

Click on any topic below for him to describe some of his training and experience in each area.



[Video and Television Production Services][Consulting][System Design and Integration][Training]

[Network Administration and Computer Services]

Links[Member Pages][Member Services][Industry links][Blair's Page][Personal Links]